The festival concerts take place on consecutive Sundays from July 7 to September 22, 2024 at the
St. John the Baptist Cathedral (ul. Świętojańska 8) Concert start at 4 pm.
Concert calendar
07.07 – Giampaolo Di Rosa (Italy)
14.07 – Jesus Sampedro (Spain)
21.07 – Stanislav Surin (Slovakia)
28.07 – Giovanna Tricarico (Italy)
04.08 – Silvio Celeghin (Italy)
11.08 – Przemysław Kapituła (Poland)
18.08 – Piotr Rachoń (Poland)
25.08 – Francesco Bongiorno (Italy)
01.09 – Józef Kotowicz (Poland)
08.09 – Giulia Biagetti (Italy)
15.09 – Toni Pussinen (Finland)
22.09 – Mario Ciferri (Italy)
40 PLN – adult
30 PLN – children and youth 11–18 years, students
0 PLN – children under 11 years
80 PLN – family (two adults + children)
The Warsaw Cathedral is a dream venue for organ music presentations. The reception of
musical interpretation is enhanced by the beauty and power of the sound coming from the modern
organ. The listeners are surrounded by the atmosphere and sacredness of the church. One of
Germany’s most prominent companies, Eule, built a mechanical organ located in the church’s choir
in 1987. This large 60-voice instrument is an example of superb organbuilder craftsmanship. The exceptionally well-suited design of the instrument, the quality of workmanship, artistic qualities and versatility allowing the presentation of music from all eras, justify the organ’s inclusion in the best-understood “concert extra class.”
The International Festival of Organ Music “ORGAN OF THE CATHEDRAL” each year hosts
excellent virtuoso organists from almost all over the world, who ensure a very high artistic level of
the event. The most famous organists of our time, great individuals, wonderful improvisers,
excellent professors of European universities, winners of international organ competitions, organists
of the most important European churches have performed in the Warsaw Cathedral. Polish
organists (P. Kapitula and J. Erdman) presented the works of Polish composers: Mieczysław
Surzyński and Feliks Nowowiejski. The festival enjoys a very high attendance, which is ample
evidence that organ music is regaining popularity in modern Europe.
After the capital was moved from Cracow to Warsaw, the Cathedral became the main center of
musical life in Poland. Prominent Polish organists and composers (including B. Pękiel, M.
Surzyński, S. Moniuszko) were associated with the church, creating a great musical tradition of the
place, the continuation and modern addition of which is the festival “ORGAN OF THE
CATHEDRAL”, whose creator and artistic director is Przemysław Kapitula.